Update 5/12/12 (below)
Update 1/6/12 - The reason for this "update" is because 1) I've moved the long "About Me/Who Am I" ramble at the beginning of this post into its own post, for those of you who may be interested; and 2) I think I've discovered "points" that may help the conversation become more reasonable for us.
Some comments are starting to happen at the end of this, and one of them should probably be up here at the top. PLEASE keep reading. I KNOW I'm semi-crazy, but I'm not in this case for some dumb reason!
Posted as a Comment Response by me: I'm pretty sure that one of the reasons you're not taking this very seriously is because of the fact that *I* have not read the books - frankly, I'm afraid to, ha! (I REALLY am!) (AND, I have since started reading them again.)
However, I've read quite alot through bits and pieces of them - especially where the baby is concerned.
AND... This was just another ONE of my many clues about all of this... I DID read "Midnight Sun" and I read through the first 5 chapters of the original Twilight book during my "anxiously reading over the book jackets moments" - I read those before I picked up the next 3 books and discovered the flaw.
After I read those first few chapters, my VERY first thought was, "what a smooth read, this is going to be easy". THIS thought is significant for me, because I have SUCH a hard time reading through an entire book these days because I've allowed my head to become SO screwed up. I have almost NO attention span!
My second thought was, "Wow, I read through 5 chapters and I didn't hardly notice - STEPHENIE MEYER MUST BE GOOD!"
Also (inserting another partial comment response by me) I really do not think that the movies are NEARLY as addictive as the books are (I have since changed my mind about this. The Twilight Movies ARE JUST AS ADDICTIVE as the books are if not MORESO). I doubt that nearly as many people have become addicted through the movies. Its just that *I* (and probably alot of young girls who are in the same boat as I was at that age - there are unfortunately no shortages of girls like me out there still today) am so incredibly susceptible to falling under the spell of stuff like this.
Original Post 12/27/11 - Yes, you read that right, LONG BEFORE these 'robsten' PR assaults started happening to the extreme that they have. Of course, these assaults have always been going on since the BEGINNING of the very first Twilight Movie's success.
Last night, I was updating my “NUTHIN But LOVE for Our Twilight Character Actors” post, and I noticed that the link to the video I had originally put up was broken (it was a link to a photoshoot of the cast). So, I ventured back out into Internetland to find another appropriate video that would seem as equally-celebratory.
And I stumbled across everyone’s favorite Twilight fan videos up on YouTube… You probably know who I’m talking about. The wildly-crazed young girl from the UK who seriously CANNOT contain herself regarding all things Twilight!
I’ve only ever watched her once before a few weeks ago. It was a video where her and her little friend were camping out in line at the Breaking Dawn UK premiere. They were SO cute and adorable in their excitement. But, I was just coming across that video about the time I was starting to figure all this silly stuff out about Twilight – so I felt both thrilled and sad (and envious) for them at the same time. I hadn't thought much else about her since then…
But the original Twilight movie was my favorite Twilight movie, and every single person who I have had discussions with about the Twilight Saga agrees with me on that. While that may not be true for “book fans”, most of the women I’ve talked to have NOT read the Twilight books (with one exception, and she was Team Jacob - THAT was a fun conversation!) – so, I’m pretty confident with that assessment on behalf of us “movie fans”.
I came across this girl’s video of her reaction to the original Twilight movie as the trailer was first coming out online – and its just so FUN! She’s SO innocent and raw in her passion and excitement about Twilight, and she’s just so beautiful and contagious about it; I will admit that I was ALMOST beginning to wonder if I was doing the right thing about trying to bring people to alter their perception about this subject.
And after I watched her video for the fifth time, I think (as it brought all those warm, thrilling memories from the movie back, and why and how much I loved it)... I noticed another video down the page from her titled, “im getting really sick of the breaking dawn haters!!!” And I was really curious about what she had to say - the most brilliant Twilight Fan star out there – especially since I’m not getting any feedback from anyone in here. I was pretty sure she was going to lay it on me (and she does)!
And while I watched her chew all of us Twilight Breaking Dawn haters out, one thing that she says in here really struck me… About halfway through, she starts talking at her friends – apparently, some of them were not as thrilled as she was about the ending of Breaking Dawn either; and she’s trying really hard to convince us all how brilliant Stephenie Meyer is and how ungrateful the rest of us are.
"... the storyline wasn't what I expected..."
Watch it... It almost sounds to me like she could have been as heartbroken as some of the rest of us were about how this story turned out. But, she's too obsessed and addicted to even consider that something might be wrong with her beautiful fairytale. I wonder how many original Twilight book fans might have been (or are) really just as disappointed as I am deep inside; but are just unable to admit it - still.
I know its a hard hill to climb to get from there to here (GOD, don't I know it); but it can be done - and I PROMISE, you don't have to grow-all-up and become Ms. Responsible Adult when you get here; only when you're on stage. ; >
I really wish I could feel about this story the same way she does and all the rest of you do, but I just can't - I tried for months, I REALLY did. I'm sorry.
Here is a link on YouTube of her very first Twilight movie trailer reaction in 2008. Watch her, she's US - she's JUST like us inside; except before our lives became so vicariously jaded - young and new and raw and passionate, and pure in her joy and fascination with Twilight! She's SO beautiful!
And now watch her chewing out us mean Breaking Dawn people... How convinced are you at the end of this, what do you really think? I think she has a broken Twilight heart inside. I would have LOVED to have seen her reaction to a well-told version of this beautiful story. Wouldn't you? (btw, she's mad, expect some explicit language.)
Update 5/12/12 - I just realized that there are connections within my blog that I didn't know were here, so I'm inserting them, now...
In the video above, Nutty Madame mentions someone named "Tech". It is obviously someone she knows and she's a little sad about them not agreeing on this subject. They are/were a couple of teenage friends - I'm going to guess they knew each other online because of Twilight. They ended up on opposing sides of this argument.
Tech is a very interesting person... (I'm going to assume we are talking about the same "Tech") If you've read through the sidelinks on my blog - you've seen this link to her videos debunking this story WAY BETTER than I ever could, ha! I am also beginning to wonder - after reading through the old Breaking Dawn petition - if she isn't the person who instigated it.
But, she was a teenager - a hormone infested, make-a-big-deal, obsessed CHILD who was doing nothing but throwing a fit about Breaking Dawn, right? WHO was going to take her over-reactive, adolescent ramblings seriously?
LADIES... If we thought about this story using HALF the brain that Tech did, we would NOT EVEN be having this discussion. SHE is/was NOT the one who was OBSESSED!
And there was another girl up on YouTube, Melina Pendulum, who did a response to one of Nutty Madame's video's. In it, she does a really good job of explaining "why logic belongs in Fiction". She's made a few videos. I've used her as a resource in the YouTube videos that I made. I'm sorry - All of Melina's Twilight YouTube videos are down, now. I don't know why, I've contacted her for a reason a couple of times, but haven't received a reply - it started out with the one video after the cheating scandal started and then later she removed the rest of them. She's probably trying to be nice and took them down so that Twilight Fans didn't have to be irritated with them if they came across them.
I'm sorry, Melina - if I didn't feel your points were a valid, important perspective that would HELP people see this stuff, I wouldn't put you up here like this.
These are clips from her videos that I captured for use in my own YouTube videos. I have more, but these are the most important ones:
THIS is the kind of dialog that was going on back in 2008/2009 after Twilight Breaking Dawn was published - and they are all roughly around the same age bracket that Stephenie Meyer was writing for.
In this day and age of corporate greed and manipulation... Are you SURE you weren't jipped by the author of Twilight by the Breaking Dawn storyline?
as I am About "How Twilight Fans Thought
Breaking Dawn was Going to End" Before it was Published
STILL Don't BELIEVE Me? In case you missed it at the top of my blog, here's my latest post on this subject: Watch This HEARTBREAKING Video by an Ex-Twihard
As far as I'm concerned, this and the links along the side all you need if you're a Twilight book fan from the way back. If you're relatively new to this discussion as I am, you might want to continue reading. But this is not something that necessarily needs to be taken in all in at once - you can come back to it, or just pick through it. I know there's alot here.
What can I say, I'm obsessed about coming out of my Twilight obsession; and I guess I don't really have any intention of leaving you all entirely submerged in this hazardous waste whether you like it or not. And while I realize that "not everyone needs/wants to be rescued" - there are obviously a WHOLE hell of alot of you who do, or at least you need help getting a little dislodged!
You have no idea how sad I am about all of this - I almost wish I was crazy. It really wasn't my intention to completely debunk Twilight when I began writing this blog; I was just trying to "get people to see reason" from my own silly, selfish fantasy-vantage point.
But I am now SO much angrier than I was when I began, at not only Summit Entertainment for making the Twilight movies like this; but the book company - Little, Brown and Company for publishing these books "as is". I would LOVE to have a conversation with the person/people who are responsible for allowing Twilight to be published in such an irresponsible way.
- WHY?!!
WERE any of you head-honchos at the book publishing company actually qualified to judge characters and storylines, or even capable of recommending writing edits to the author of Twilight? Did any of you have college literary degrees that included some sort of slant toward adolescent education or development - in order for you to be in charge of making decisions about what your company puts out here for young adolescent girls? Or, did you simply pair your new, sparkling, up-and-coming amateur author with an amateur editor because that person was supposedly "good enough" to judge "highest quality" literature for young girls? I mean, here's what readers see on the opening page of your website:
Little, Brown and Company’s books and authors. One of the country’s oldest and most distinguished publishing houses, Little, Brown is committed to publishing fiction of the highest quality and non-fiction of lasting significance, by many of America’s finest writers.
I'm just going to leave all this up and watch it smolder while everyone thinks about it, and until enough people stumble across it and read it. I can't take it down, this is all too disturbing...
The easiest way to go through this blog (if you're interested in reading thru my ENTIRE story) is to START HERE with the 1st post at the beginning and read through all four original posts as they were posted - because I think there is alot of revelation in just reading/watching how my disturbing realizations about the Twilight storyline came to me - especially since I really wasn't planning to discover all the things I ended up uncovering about Twilight.
Ok, lady...I have read some and skimmed over a lot of what you have written here. Some makes sense but mostly not so much. We all have minds and mostly live in the real world...it is a MOVIE based on a FICTIONAL BOOK. Yes, it has allowed some people to relive the romantic ideas that young girls have and there is nothing wrong with that...it is when people take it to the extreme that there is a problem. Trust me...fantasizing about Robert Pattinson is a far cry from other things any of us could get ourselves into...and you really should just chill out...let people have their moments of escape. There are far more pressing matters in the world to get worked up over like homelessness, starving children, social security, etc. Have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteSo... you really DON'T think we should be at ALL concerned about a book publishing company who allowed this story to be told with such an addictive twist to young girls whose MINDS are STILL developing and are NOT where "ours" are, now? You OBVIOUSLY didn't read the parts you NEEDED to.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry... The argument about this all being Ok because "this kind of fantasy escape is normal" is TOTALLY MOOT at this point - the conversation needs to take a different direction. THAT argument has been RUN into the ground already (read any of the comments strings in any of the articles on the side if you've missed out on it) THIS argument needs to be a more constructive one. The reason is... We can ALL SEE Twilight for what it is, now. No more excusing it!
ReplyDeleteI can certainly understand why *my* story doesn’t affect you at all – SO the *F* what if ONE damaged individual almost got swallowed whole by this stupid storyline! But HERE’S my POINT for ALL of you who just CAN’T read through this:
Is Twilight really the kind of addictive story that should have been allowed to be directed at our daughters - girls who (hopefully) don't have any reason to become so enthralled with such silly story? I mean, I'm sure some girls are fine... But how many more aren't, and more importantly - how do you know? How WILL you know until they're all done growing up in another decade or two?
I would THINK this is an important topic to be having a seriously-silly conversation about!
You seriously must have some issues and im sorry for that. You are not the only person in this world who had a rough life, being as I myself and several other people that I know as well, have been hurt and abused. We all watched it...all of the movies and read the books and loved the story and thought it was sweet and old fashioned and all thought how nice it would be if men acted the way Edward was WRITTEN in the books. The real tragedy is that guys don't act that way and our young girls coming up now wont ever know what it is to have a man to treat them the way they should. Dont get me wrong...there are some young men that are respectful but not the way they used to be. But seriously, if a girl OR a woman can't keep it together and not be influenced to the extremes that you are so concerned about...well there are issues there that really do need to be addressed and that in itself is a true tragedy! I myself have known plenty of young girls (nieces and friends' children) who have read the books and watched the movie and trust me...they swooned, oooohed, and awed over the books and movies but in no way ever thought that they were IN LOVE with Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner or BELIEVED that a vampire exists, let alone that one could father a baby. Maybe you are selling our youth short...maybe you need therapy...I don't know. I just know that you are fighting against something that is truly ridiculous. No one makes us see these movies or read these books but I for one am grateful to live in this country where it is my right to and someone like you can't tell me I can't. I personally enjoy being able to "get lost" in a good movie but have no problem coming back to reality. Please don't sell our young girls short or say that only horny housewives can like these movies...or that we are all delusional because quite frankly I think you might be.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess this is just another new obsession of yours...
ReplyDeleteNot any where near an obsession...I loved the movies but haven't seen any of them in months...I guess maybe im the only sane person on this site....you anti twilighters really do need to get a life...if you ask me yall are the obsessive ones!!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously... *IF* you and your family are REALLY so well-adjusted (this goes for the rest of you, too) - then maybe this article isn't MEANT for you since you could care less about the rest of us or our shitty experiences with Twilight - obsessed or not. IF this story REALLY had been written AND edited PROFESSIONALLY & CORRECTLY - NONE of us would have been OBSESSED - but that means NOTHING to you because we are all NORMAL and so many more others of us are not? I've already ADMITTED my dysfunction SEVERAL times over in here - INCLUDING the fact that THIS project is my NEW obsession! THANKS BOTH of you for NOT reading before commenting, FIRST! You don't think becoming obsessed with this stupid story is a big deal maybe you've never been obsessed. GOOD for you! Knowing that doesn't do ME a DAMN bit of good! It only means that I need to be making a BIGGER deal out of all this!
ReplyDeleteThis is the last comment I will make here as you clearly have issues. Anyone can try to write and be a professional writer so saying the series was or wasn't professionally written is moot. The editing im sure was not done by a 5th grader just taken off the street. It is people like you who would blame a band because a person takes a song too literally and commits suicide or robs a convenience store or sleeps with too many people and then wants to blame the band who sung the song. You seriously need therapy sweetheart. Parents should be talking to their children, helping them to understand the difference between reality and fantasy...my kids knew the difference at the ripe old age of 3, had good imaginations ,playing in neverland but living in the real world.
ReplyDeleteYou SO miss the POINT! You can SEE plain as day - NOW in hindsight with the HUGE PILE of evidence along the side links (due to an inept book publishing company - HOW we've all gotten SUCKED into this story, and its OK with you?! (WHY DO ALL HAVE SUCH A HARDON FOR LITTLE, BROWN & SUMMIT?!)
ReplyDeleteDo you pour sugary piss on your kids pancakes or Maple Syrup, lady? Would you allow your daughters to watch hard porn at the age of 13? THAT'S what you all allowed them to READ and condone! Of COURSE you won't admit it!
If GROWN women can't get through this addiction or even SEE it for what it is? HOW the HELL are they EVER going to help their own kids out of it?
I've been reading your posts about all of this and I just really have to say WOW! As a person who has read numerous adult fiction romance novel, and young adult vampire novels, and a whole load of other books I never once thought of Twilight as any type of sexual fantasy. Sure you can defiantly see the sexual tension between Robert and Kristen in the movies, but in the books you draw up your own characters. I read all 4 books before the movies even came out. I am a fan of them and the movies, but I'm not obsessed with it at all. Does Stephanie's writing desire more, heck yes. Lots of mistakes were made and they have been pointed out. You yourself said when you got the books you were excited to see what she had in store for them next. Well having a baby was the next step for them. Is it reality? UM no most definitely not because they are not real to begin with. The actors are what makes it real. If I recall correctly Interview with the Vampire is what almost a 3 hr movie? Well with the Twilight Saga you are throwing a lot of information into a 2 hour movie. I do have 3 children who have all watched the movies with me. My girls who are now 13, and 12 have seen them with me, and they like you, have not even picked up one of the books to read. They have only seen the movies, and they know its not real. Do they see it as a sexual fantasy? Hell no. They just like the story and want to see what is going to happen. The girls and I have talked about it over and over again many times. I even have a daughter who is team Jacob, and well I don't particularly like him too much. I'm more of and Edward fan, or actually a Cullen fan.
ReplyDeleteThe hotness factor is very great in the movie and could be toned down I'm sure.
As a big Vampire fan out there for I also am a huge Buffy and Angle fan as well. There are many authors who take the Vampire lore and change it around a little. Yes we are not brought up with Vampire's being sparkly, but yet you were okay with that. Your not okay with a vampire/human baby? Yet you stated in your post that you got over Angle and Darla having a child. In Stephanie's eyes she saw this as okay. Since you haven't read the book, nor seen the movie, Breaking Dawn Pt 1 you obviously don't know the situation that arose from Bella having the baby. I don't remember ever reading or seeing any evidence that she wants to have a baby. Yes that's normal human nature for women to having a child. (I've also lost a child, and had 3 miscarriages myself. You never forget them.) Until Bella is faced with the fact that there is a baby she had given up wanting one for she knew she wouldn't be able to. I've read other books about the Vampire genre that Vampires do produce children. You should check out the Vampire Academy series. Its a young adult genre as well and its awesome. In this series the Vampires (Moroi) procreate to have Dampi around (they protect the royal Moroi). (I'm sure that's not how its spelt, but my books are not around at the moment.) Its pretty much all in your mind set I guess. You can either accept it or not. The choice is ours, and whether you like it or not, you won't change mine or anyone else s.
Tonia, it is so nice to see someone else that has it together. Its a movie for crying out loud and I too am Team Edward! Oh, well...it is JUST a movie after all...
ReplyDeleteAnd Catherine, no I do not our sugary piss on my kids pancakes and since we are all sharing our misfortunes, I have 2 beautiful boys, 16 & 14, but I have been the victim of sexual abuse and have had 3 miscarriages of my own...I have had my parents crosses to bear and yet here we are having this discussion. I have a great mentor in my mother and I have no dilusions that this is a movie based on characters. Yes the writing could have been better but it is what it is.
Authors have to step out of the box sometimes you know. That is what makes a good writer. If you can't accept how they step out of that box then well you have to find a way to deal.
ReplyDeleteAlso how could you NOT have know they had a baby. Do you live under a rock or something? How could you possibly not see all the fan art out there or the fan videos on utube. Come on. Also why are you complaining about something being bad when you've made it clear that you have no intention of reading the book that you find so terrible. Yes I actually thought the book was going to end differently with some of my favorite characters being killed off by Volteri, and well that didn't happen. And you've no intention of seeing the movie because of what...a baby. That's totally crazy. What would you do if you found out that Jacob imprinted with such baby...HORRORS!
Tonia, honestly... If you and/or your kids have only watched Twilight and not read the books, I can TOTALLY get that. The movies are not NEARLY as addictive as the books are. I doubt that nearly as many people have become addicted through the movies. Its just that *I* (and probably alot of young girls who are in the same boat as I was at that age) am so incredibly susceptible to falling under the spell of stuff like this.
ReplyDeleteThis post is trying to make the point that people who had ALREADY READ the books are/were too addicted to see 'what was really happening' to judge this story - at least, roughly half of them were.
Also, if *I* were the only person who had come to this conclusion, I wouldn't be standing up here making such a big deal. ALOT of people were unhappy and their VALID concerns were completely ignored.
However... I can also SEE that there are MANY MANY women out there who have only watched the movies and ARE addicted. It is a concern...
With regards to "not knowing" the ending, I was TRYING to keep from finding out the damn ending, ha!
And also, Seriously... Thanks for the additional knowledge about yourself, but this isn't a competition - that's NOT what this is about. I purposefully didn't go into the details of my life for that reason.
And Tonia... I DID step out of the box quite a bit by watching Twilight. Its just that you're all asking me to step too far out of the box and I just can't, and you're right, I won't.
So why don't I just drop this? Because I'm not NEARLY as unusual as you think I am. *I'm* OK NOW... NOTICE how quiet this place is. I just put up these last couple of "hot" posts that is finally causing you all to read this stuff.
It may not seem like it, but literally THOUSANDS of people have crossed paths with this in the past month - and LOOK how quiet it is. That should tell you alot.
BTW... I'm pretty sure that one of the reasons you're not taking this very seriously is because of the fact that *I* have not read the books - frankly, I'm afraid to, ha! (I REALLY am!)
ReplyDeleteHowever, I've read quite a bit through bits and pieces of them - especially where the baby is concerned.
AND... This was just another ONE of my many clues about all of this... I DID read through the first 5 chapters of the original Twilight book during my "anxiously reading over the book jackets moments" - I read those before I picked up the next 3 books and discovered the flaw.
I started reading it, looked up, took a deep breath - and my VERY first thought was, "what a smooth read, this is going to be easy". THIS thought is significant for me, because I have SUCH a hard time reading through an entire book these days because I've allowed my head to become SO screwed up. I have almost NO attention span!
My second thought was, "Wow, I read through 5 chapters and I didn't hardly notice - STEPHENIE MEYER MUST BE GOOD!" And she IS... That is YET another point of mine.
She obviously has a talent for writing this stuff... She should have written it as an adult romance novel, not a YA novel. I don't think it would have been nearly as dangerous if it had been directed at us ladies - even if "girls" had gotten ahold of it and fallen in love with it too, at that point.
Because we would have all had been taking it in from another perspective - we would have been more aware and able to make the decision FOR OURSELVES.
But girls are so impressionable at that age - you KNOW that. I keep reading over and over again about mothers who were turned onto Twilight by their daughters. We VALUE our daughters opinions (I DON'T have to be a mom to know that), and they were ALREADY hooked BEFORE we knew it and THEN we got hooked - doesn't that cause you any concern?
If we had given them something worthy to become obsessed over, that would be one thing. Maybe you don't like my opinion, but again... IF the publishing company and/or movie studio had been doing their jobs, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
And more importantly... SO MANY GIRLS/WOMEN wouldn't be so hung up on this silly story for such lame, irresponsible reasons.
Catherine, im not trying to make this a competition. I was however trying to make the point that even a person who does have deep emotional scars can read these books (yes I have read the books...all of them) and see that they are just what they are. Do you watch True Blood? Now there is something that I would not want my young daughter, if I had one, to watch or read. Dont get me wrong...I personally am a fan of the show but it definitely is for adults only. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to you if I came across as judgmental or unsympathetic to your situation, its just that I did get caught up in the stories...I could see myself in place of Bella and get caught up in it to a degree...but when it was over, it was over and fortunately I personally haven't known any girls that ever got any more caught up than I did...when the story was over, it was just over. I really feel like it was a great love story that was not greatly written, but also so completely far fetched that had it not been so sweet, the love and passion that Edward felt for Bella, that it would have just been damn near impossible to read. I truly hope that you find peace and a way to walk away from something that has been so addictive to you. I also hope that you can forgive my rudeness. I really do just feel like the people who have voted on your poll have made a point...good luck to you in your endeavors.
ReplyDeleteI'll apologize to you, as well - I know I'm over the top on all of this. But whether you "get" this or not, if I wasn't doing this right now I honestly don't know what I'd be doing right now. I'm really not trying to be a drama queen - ugh! I almost feel like I have no other choice.
ReplyDeleteBut that's also the reason why I added the option in the poll, "NO - I know there's nothing wrong with Twilight, but..." because I know alot of Twi-hard fans start out sentences that way.
And if I can make you see that this has all been harmful to so many of us AND you still don't think the ending to Breaking Dawn should have been altered after reading all of this...
I don't have one problem with respecting your decision. I'm just... ranting because I feel like I'm going to explode every time I stop.
Thanks for putting up with me. ; >
Gee Catherine... I wonder why you are divorced. Maybe because you have OCD? I have a 15 year old Daughter who has read all of the books as well as seen all of the movies, and by some MIRACLE, she is not "addicted" to any of it, if anything, after the last book/movie I doubt she would even have the interest to read or see another one. Hmmm... Maybe it's because she is a normal teenage girl and not some mid life crisis nut bar trying to make something out of nothing? Or maybe it's that she has the brains to separate FICTION FROM REALITY!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I wonder how much of your life you have wasted on this, and also curious as to what meds you might be on.
One final note... I only stumbled across this mess of yours because you inserted a link to it in a comments section that had noting to do with Twilight at all, but figured it would be good for a quick laugh if I clicked on it... Boy was I right! Thanks for the chuckle before bedtime...
What is wrong with this lady? I think she is CRAZY, what writing mistakes dis Stephanie Meyer make that suposedly made it 'addicting' I am not addicted, and I've read all the books, and breaking dawn 15+ times, but I.ly because I liked it, i also read a LOT of Stephen King's books that many times. And what exactly are you trying to change about the ending?
ReplyDelete*did *only also I'm 14 and I started reading twilight in 5th grade
ReplyDeleteAGAIN... If you WANT to know "What's wrong with me?" KEEP READING!!!
ReplyDeleteYou read the books 15ish times and you're FINE? I'm sorry, I do NOT believe you. Besides, you're too young - you're not a mature women to be making this judgement, you're obviously at least a little obsessed.
That's why this conversation is largely for grownups - although it is certainly not limited to us. I'm just not going to buy a teenager reading the books that many times as being a "normal" thing, sorry...
Hey Catherine. Love your blog and opinions. It's great to see someone put themselves out there 100% without missing a beat. Hard opinions and a little controversy is great for everyone I think.
ReplyDeleteOverall - I agree, the flicks aren't great for our culture as a whole and especially our youth. The undertones and overall message isn't where it needs to be. You concern for the kids is admirable. I think many readers here are missing the point completely.
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